Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Part II of the young men going to the Karoo Mighty Men Conference

Toyer, Rostyn, Patrino, Ronaldo Damian (absent)
Here is the rest of the young men going to the KMMC 2015 in Middelburg.

Toyer Bennie
Toyer Bennie, age 17 is a grade 9 pupil at Gamble Street High School in Uitenhage. Loves playing soccer and is also involved in the Youth and Media team at church.

Rostyn Maart
Rostyn Maart, age 19 matriculated from Daniel Pienaar Technical School in 2014. Enrolled at Eastcape Midlands College (Charles Good Year Campus) to study Motor Mechanics.

Patrino Smith
Patrino Smith, age 16 is a grade 8 pupil at Gamble Street High School. Involved in Sunday School at church.

Ronaldo Gouws
Ronaldo Gouws, age 16 is a grade 11 student at Uitenhage High School. Playing rugby at school and involved in Youth and Media team at church.

Damian Koopman (thats him going for the try line)
Damian Koopman age 15 is a grade 9 pupil at the Brandwag Highschool. Playing rugby for his school team. Also does swimming.

And thats the young men that will be attending the KMMC 2015. Thanks to all who contributed to making it possible may God richly bless you and your family. We still a few bucks short from the amount needed.

Please feel free to donate something towards this worthy cause, we will greatly appreciate it. 
Bank:                Capitec Bank
Acc. Name:      Jill Groenewald
Acc. Nr. :          1357516272
Branch Code:  470010

Ref:  KMMC and your name(optional)

God Bless 
Just Granty

John 1:12  But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name