Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Do not ill-treat foreigners (from the bible)

Leviticus 20

A scripture from the BIBLE  where God is telling us not to ill-treat any foreigners in our land. This xenophobia attacks in Kwazulu Natal (and all over our land) is unneccesary. Our people in this land are to scared to take the risk and open a small shop or any business to generate an income for themselves but as soon as they see it fit, they want to loot the foreigners shops and chase them out of the country, they are just doing what our people are afraid to do(tata ma chance). Please read and obey they BIBLE

The meaning of the word BIBLE
B - Basic
I  -  Instructions
B - Before 
L - Leaving 
E - Earth

God Bless 
Just Granty