Check out my lastest creation. I call it Photoblocks by Just Granty.
Your best photos have been taken with your smart phone, tablet or digital camera, been shared on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Now let me turn them into printed works of creative art for your wall at home. Motivational quotes and Bible scriptures can also be printed on the photoblocks.
Each Photoblock is cropped into 150mm x 150mm or 300mm x 300mm squares, printed, a protective coating is applied and mounted on shutterply board for a striking effect. This trendy new products are best displayed in batches, mounted next to each other.
Create your own Photoblock wall at home with your awesome social media images.
Pricetag 150mm x 150mm only R50.00
300mm x 300mm only R120.00
To order your Photoblocks contact Just Granty on Cell 078 994 0065 or e mail
God bless
Just Granty
Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things if God is for us, who can be against us.